Mili Romano is an artist and curator. From 1986 to 2020 she taught Cultural Anthropology at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. Her interests move between literature, video art, photography, installations and public art projects. Her work investigates the memory of places and the processes of transformation and progressive erasure of indoor/outdoor, public and private spaces. Public art projects that she has curated include: Accademia in Stazione (1997-2005), a series of site-specific interventions made by young artists at the Bologna railway station; Container (2007-2008), a mobile public art observatory-laboratory (in collaboration with Gino Gianuizzi); Italia (2011), a participatory project for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy (MAMbo, Bologna); Heart of Stone (2005-2016, a project involving the community and the territory of Pianoro (BO) in a long process of re-appropriation of its history and places.
She has collaborated with the Brown University of Providence and the University of Bologna, and lectured in many Italian and foreign universities and Fine Art academies. She edited the Italian versions of works by M. Bachtin, F. Dostoevsky, A. Puskin, J. Thomson, J. Gracq, R. Daumal. Her publications include: Il Miraggio e la minaccia. Visioni di Pietroburgo in versi e in prosa, CLUEB 1994, Città della letteratura. Immagini e percorsi, CLUEB 1996; aRITMIe. Ultime visioni metropolitane, CLUEB 2003; Cuore di pietra. Quaderno numero uno, CLUEB 2007; Cuore di pietra. Quaderno numero due, Pendragon 2009; Con la città che cambia. Percorsi e pratiche di Public Art, New L’INK 2014, Cuore di pietra/ Lavoro. Quaderno numero tre, Bologna, Fausto Lupetti Editore, 2016.