Amedeo Policante

Amedeo Policante is a critical theorist and historian of political thought, based between the Brenta Dolomites and the University of Warwick, UK. He is the author of two recent monographs: I Nuovi Mercenari: Mercato Mondiale e Privatizzazione della Guerra [The new Mercenaries: The Global Market and the Privatisation of War] (Ombre Corte, 2014) and The Pirate Myth: Genealogies of an Imperial Concept (Routledge, 2016). His most recent project – On Molecular Production – will be published next year by Pluto Press.

Nel cuore delle montagne trentine si trova un carcere di massima sicurezza. Tra i prigionieri c’è M49, un orso bruno classificato come pericoloso per i suoi ripetuti attacchi a beni, proprietà e bestiame. L’animale è stato oggetto di grande attenzione da parte dei media, sia in patria che all’estero. Quali… Read more »


In the depth of the Trentino mountains, there is a high-security prison. Amongst the captives is M49, a brown bear classified as dangerous for his reoccurring attacks on livestock and human property. The animal has been the subject of much media attention, both in his homeland and abroad. What are… Read more »
