Filippo Caon

Filippo Caon is a musicology student at the University of Trento. He is also a runner, and writes about sports and mountains. He is a regular contributor to outdoor magazines, for which he has written reportages in France, the United States and other locations in the Alps. In recent years, he has tried to contribute to the Italian ultrarunning scene through the development of informal sports groups and the organisation of independent events, pursuing an open, inclusive and essential vision of sport. He sees long-distance running not merely as a sport but as a cultural fact, through which to tell stories and bring people together.

Cambiare una città a forza di correre. È quello che è successo a Leadville, in Colorado, dopo che nel 1983 vi è stata organizzata una gara di corsa di 100 miglia. In che modo lo sport trasforma le città?L’ultramaratoneta e scrittore Filippo Con racconta la sua esperienza diretta di luoghi… Read more »


Changing a town by the dint of your running. This is what happened to Leadville, Colorado, after a 100-mile running competition was organised there in 1983. So how does sport transform cities? Ultramarathon runner and writer Filippo Caon recounts his first-hand experience of sport-focused places, from the Rocky Mountains of… Read more »
